The orchestration of gene expression and the editing role of microRNA

Autor: M. Fossum, M. Kaefer, K.W. Herbst, L. Harper, G.M.A. Beckers, C.P. Nelson, M. Garriboli, A. Nieuwhof-Leppink, D. Bagli, N. Kalfa
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: Fossum, M, Kaefer, M, Herbst, K W, Harper, L, Beckers, G M A, Nelson, C P, Garriboli, M, Nieuwhof-Leppink, A, Bagli, D, Kalfa, N & ESPU research committee 2023, ' The orchestration of gene expression and the editing role of microRNA ', Journal of Pediatric Urology, vol. 19, no. 3, pp. 323-324 .
Popis: In this short educational communication the ESPU Research Committee presents the role of non-coding RNA and how these can affect gene expression. In particular we discuss the role of microRNA on post transcriptional changes and how these may cause pathological conditions within Pediatric Urology and how microRNA could be useful in future clinical practice.
Databáze: OpenAIRE