Effects of Red Beetroot Juice and Inorganic Nitrate Supplementation on Oral Bacteria and Nitric Oxide Metabolites in Middle-Aged/Older Adults with Overweight and Obesity

Autor: Nicole Litwin, Scott Wrigley, Hannah Van Ark, Shannon Hartley, Kiri Michell, Allegra Vazquez, Emily Fischer, Christopher Melby, Yuren Wei, Sangeeta Rao, Kerry Hildreth, Douglas Seals, Michael Pagliassotti, Tiffany Weir, Sarah Johnson
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Curr Dev Nutr
Popis: OBJECTIVES: Dietary inorganic nitrate from foods such as red beetroot juice (RBJ) can contribute to nitric oxide (NO) bioavailability through the enterosalivary nitrate-nitrite-NO pathway. A critical step in this pathway is the reduction of nitrate to nitrite by oral bacteria. We investigated the effects of inorganic nitrate supplementation, as RBJ or placebo + potassium nitrate (PBO+NIT), on the oral microbiota, and its relationship with saliva and plasma NO metabolites and vascular endothelial function. METHODS: In a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, we measured the abundance of oral nitrate-reducing bacteria in saliva samples from 15 middle-aged/older adults with overweight and obesity using 16 rRNA sequencing. We also assessed the relationship of oral nitrate-reducing bacteria with the physiological responses to acute (4 hours) and chronic (4 weeks) RBJ, PBO+NIT, nitrate-free RBJ, and placebo supplementation via measurement of saliva and plasma nitrate/nitrite (NOx), plasma nitrite levels, and reactive hyperemia index (RHI). RESULTS: A significant decrease in the alpha diversity metric, Pileou's Evenness, was detected after chronic consumption of PBO+NIT (0.69 ± 0.05 at week 0 vs. 0.65 ± 0.05 at week 4; P
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