The gammaherpesvirus 68 viral cyclin facilitates reactivation by promoting latent gene expression

Autor: Eric T. Clambey, Jennifer N. Berger, Brian F. Niemeyer, Linda F. van Dyk, Eva M. Medina, Lauren M. Oko, Joy E. Gibson
Rok vydání: 2019
Popis: Gammaherpesviruses establish life-long infections within their host and have been shown to be the causative agents of devastating malignancies. Chronic infection within the host is mediated through cycles of transcriptionally quiescent stages of latency with periods of reactivation into more active lytic and productive infection. The mechanisms that regulate reactivation from latency remain poorly understood. Previously, we defined a critical role for the viral cyclin in promoting reactivation from latency. Disruption of the viral cyclin had no impact on the frequency of cells containing viral genome during latency, yet it remains unclear whether the viral cyclin influences latently infected cells in a qualitative manner. To define the impact of the viral cyclin on latent gene expression, we utilized a viral cyclin deficient variant expressing a LANA-beta-lactamase fusion protein (LANA::βla), to enumerate both the cellular distribution and frequency of latent gene expression. Disruption of the viral cyclin did not affect the cellular distribution of latently infected cells, but did result in a significant decrease in the frequency of cells that expressed LANA::βla across multiple tissues and in both immunocompetent and immunodeficient hosts. Strikingly, whereas the cyclin-deficient virus had a reactivation defect in bulk culture, sort purified cyclin-deficient LANA::βla expressing cells were fully capable of reactivation. These data emphasize that the γHV68 latent reservoir is comprised of at least two distinct stages of infection characterized by differential latent gene expression, and that a primary function of the viral cyclin is to promote latent gene expression within infected cells in vivo.AUTHOR SUMMARYGammaherpesviruses are ubiquitous viruses with oncogenic potential that establish latency for the life of the host. These viruses can emerge from latency through reactivation, a process that is controlled by the immune system. Control of viral latency and reactivation is thought to be critical to prevent γHV-associated disease. This study focuses on a virally-encoded cyclin that is required for reactivation from latency. By characterizing how the viral cyclin influences latent infection in pure cell populations, we find that the viral cyclin has a vital role in promoting viral gene expression during latency. This work provides new insight into the function of a virally encoded cyclin in promoting reactivation from latency.
Databáze: OpenAIRE