Reading acuity in albinism: evaluation with MNREAD charts

Autor: C. Gail Summers, John T. MacDonald, Ann M. Holleschau, Beth R. Kutzbach, Kimberly Merrill, Katherine M. Hogue, Sara J. Downes
Rok vydání: 2010
Zdroj: Journal of AAPOS : the official publication of the American Association for Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus. 15(1)
ISSN: 1528-3933
Popis: Introduction The MNREAD reading acuity (RA) charts use continuous-text reading to measure (1) RA, ie, the smallest size of print that the patient can resolve; (2) maximum reading speed (MRS); and (3) critical print size (CPS), ie, the smallest print that the patient can read with maximum speed. This project used the MNREAD charts to evaluate reading performance in children and adults with albinism to determine the smallest print size recommended to facilitate effortless reading. Methods A total of 63 subjects with albinism were administered the MNREAD test to determine the critical print size for effortless reading. The subjects read continuous, high-contrast text print until they could no longer discern the words. The MRS and CPS were determined with the MNREAD protocol. Presence or absence of nystagmus and strabismus was recorded. Distance visual acuity was measured with ETDRS charts. Results The sample included 25 male and 38 female subjects with a median age of 16 years. Median MRS was 150 words per minute. The mean CPS was 0.84 logMAR, notably larger than the mean RA of 0.53 logMAR. Conclusions The MNREAD acuity charts can be used to determine functional reading ability and critical print size for effortless reading in individuals with albinism. The amount of enlargement in print size can be used in educational and vocational recommendations to facilitate reading.
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