Further Studies in the Therapeutic Value of Lysergic Acid Diethylamide in Mental Illness

Autor: J. D. A. Whitelaw, R. A. Sandison
Rok vydání: 1957
Zdroj: Journal of Mental Science. 103:332-343
ISSN: 2514-9946
DOI: 10.1192/bjp.103.431.332
Popis: 1. This paper presents an extension of the studies reported by the authors in 1954 which demonstrated the value of lysergic acid diethylamide in the treatment of mental illness. The 36 patients have been followed up for a further 2 years and the results are given. A further 64 patients have been treated since 1954 making a total of 100 in all. Of these 100 patients, 61 have recovered or improved, 32 failed to derive appreciable benefit and 7 were not assessed for reasons which are given. A wide variety of neurotic conditions were treated. 2. The significance of these results is discussed and the causes of failure are commented upon. 3. Special mention is made of the results in psychopathic personalities and obsessional neurosis. 4. A new technique for the treatment of psychotic illness, mostly schizophrenia, by means of an LSD-chlorpromazine combination is discussed. The results are given in 14 cases. This method shows encouraging results in well-preserved schizophrenics of one to two years' duration that had not responded to orthodox methods of treatment. 5. The position occupied by LSD in relation to therapeutics and biochemical research in psychiatry is examined. 6. The opinion is expressed that LSD treatment continues to be of the utmost value in psychotherapy, both in cases otherwise resistant to treatment and as a method of avoiding the prolonged time necessary for a full psychological analysis.
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