High-Fidelity Single-Qubit Gates on Neutral Atoms in a Two-Dimensional Magic-Intensity Optical Dipole Trap Array

Autor: Peng Xu, Xiaodong He, Ruijun Guo, Kunpeng Wang, Xiong Zongyuan, Min Liu, Mingsheng Zhan, Jin Wang, Cheng Sheng
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters. 121
ISSN: 1079-7114
DOI: 10.1103/physrevlett.121.240501
Popis: As a conventional approach, optical dipole trap (ODT) arrays with linear polarization have been widely used to assemble neutral-atom qubits for building a quantum computer. However, due to the inherent scalar differential light shifts (DLS) of qubit states induced by trapping fields, the microwave-driven gates acting on single qubits suffer from errors on the order of 10^{-3}. Here, we construct a DLS compensated ODT array based upon a recently developed magic-intensity trapping technique. In such a magic-intensity optical dipole trap (MI-ODT) array, the detrimental effects of DLS are efficiently mitigated so that the performance of global microwave-driven Clifford gates is significantly improved. Experimentally, we achieve an average error of (4.7±1.1)×10^{-5} per global gate, which is characterized by randomized benchmarking in a 4×4 MI-ODT array. Moreover, we experimentally study the correlation between the coherence time and gate errors in a single MI-ODT with an optimum error per gate of (3.0±0.7)×10^{-5}. Our demonstration shows that MI-ODT array is a versatile platform for building scalable quantum computers with neutral atoms.
Databáze: OpenAIRE