Making cheap disks cheap with dCache storage events and QoS

Autor: Millar, Paul, Olufemi Adeyemi, Fuhrmann, Patrick, Mkrtchyan, Tigran, Morschel, Lea, Sahakyan, Marina, Juergen Starek, Yasar, Sibel
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3599317
Popis: Within the DOMA working group, the QoS activity is looking at how best to describe innovative technologies and deployments. Once scenario that has emerged is providing storage that uses end-of-warranty disks: the cheap (almost free) nature of this storage is offset by a much larger likelihood of data loss. In some situations, this trade-off is acceptable, provided the operational overhead of handling this data loss is not excessive. In this paper, we present a model where dCache provides access to this data. Improvements within dCache administrative interface allow for almost no operational overhead for handling such storage. The storage events concept allows experiment data-management frameworks, such as Rucio, to learn of any data-loss in a robust and fully automated fashion. These frameworks can then follow strategies to recover from these problems; for example, by copying the lost data back into dCache.
Databáze: OpenAIRE