Spectroscopy of Scalar Mediators to Dark Matter at the LHC and at 100 TeV

Autor: Michael Spannowsky, Gunnar Ro, Valentin V. Khoze
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Physical review D, 2015, Vol.92(7), pp.075006 [Peer Reviewed Journal]
Popis: We investigate simplified models of dark matter with scalar mediators at hadron colliders using the final state topology with 2 jets and missing energy. These models can arise in a wide variety of BSM scenarios including the possibility of the mediator mixing with the Higgs. Our aim is first to determine the projected reach of the LHC and the future circular hadron collider for excluding such models. Secondly, we use the kinematic distributions to extract information on mediator masses. At the 13 TeV LHC we can probe mediator masses up to 750 GeV, and at a 100 TeV collider the reach is increased to 2.5 TeV mediators. We also explain how individual models with different values of mediator masses can be differentiated from each other.
18 pages, 18 figures, v2 References added, v3 added discussion and a new figure detailing non-collider constraints; matches the Journal version in PRD
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