Fabrykowanie wiktymizacji. O błędach w badaniach grup szczególnie wrażliwych na przykładzie dokumentu 'Sytuacja Społeczna Osób LGBTA w Polsce. Raport za lata 2019-2020'

Autor: Szumlewicz, Katarzyna
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7614667
Popis: The article methodologically and substantively discusses ‘The social situation of LGBTA persons in Poland: Report for 2019–2020’. The report describes the situation of homosexual, bisexual, transgender and asexual people. The victimisation of these groups has been portrayed as being higher than it really is, which is referred to in the title of the article as a ‘fabrication of victimisation’. The article analyses the concept of ‘microaggressions’ as used in the report. According to the author, it is not a suitable indicator for measuring social victimisation, as it is too broad and too ideologised. It can mean virtually anything that makes a member of a minority group uncomfortable, even without any negative intentions on the part of the ‘perpetrator(s)’ of the microaggressions. The report also adopts overly broad definitions of homelessness and depression. The link between the respondents’ mental state and the political situation in Poland was not proven. The non-random sampling and unclear definition of the research group are also criticised. In comparison, a Eurostat study is presented which shows that Polish society’s attitude towards part of the study population – homosexuals and bisexuals – has improved greatly since 2015, and that favourable attitudes towards civil unions and same-sex marriages are growing faster than in the European Union. The document in question, meanwhile, states that the situation of all groups under the LGBTA banner has deteriorated significantly since 2015.
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Databáze: OpenAIRE