Fast and accurate motion segmentation using linear combination of views

Autor: Vasileios Zografos, Klas Nordberg
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: BMVC
Popis: We introduce a simple and efficient procedure for the segmentation of rigidly moving objects, imaged under an affine camera model. For this purpose we revisit the theory of "linear combination of views" (LCV), proposed by Ullman and Basri [20], which states that the set of 2d views of an object undergoing 3d rigid transformations, is embedded in a low-dimensional linear subspace that is spanned by a small number of basis views. Our work shows, that one may use this theory for motion segmentation, and cluster the trajectories of 3d objects using only two 2d basis views. We therefore propose a practical motion segmentation method, built around LCV, that is very simple to implement and use, and in addition is very fast, meaning it is well suited for real-time SfM and tracking applications. We have experimented on real image sequences, where we show good segmentation results, comparable to the state-of-the-art in literature. If we also consider computational complexity, our proposed method is one of the best performers in combined speed and accuracy. © 2011. The copyright of this document resides with its authors.
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