Praocis (Hemipraocis) sellata subsp. granulipennis

Autor: Flores, Gustavo E., Carrara, Rodolfo, Cheli, Germán H.
Rok vydání: 2011
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6191893
Popis: Praocis (Hemipraocis) sellata granulipennis Flores and Carrara ssp. nov. (Figs. 5, 7) Diagnosis. Praocis (Hemipraocis) sellata granulipennis ssp. nov. may be identified by the pronotum with punctures smaller than elytral protuberances, dorsal surface of lateral margin with protuberances, and elytra with main carinae converging at apex (Fig. 5). It differs from P. (Hemipraocis) sellata sellata Berg which has pronotum with punctures the same size or larger than elytral protuberances, dorsal surface of lateral margin with punctures, and elytra with main carinae parallel to each other. Description. Length 9-13 mm. Rounded habitus, body colour glossy black, antennae and legs black to dark brown. Head. Clypeus sparsely punctured, with sparse setae, with two depressions in anterior angles; frons higher than clypeus, with sparse punctures; antennae reaching 3 / 4 of lateral margin of pronotum; antennomeres 9, 10 and 11 wider than long; tomentose sensory patches on distal third of antennomere 11. Pronotum with small punctures, more abundant on lateral quarters, punctures smaller than elytral protuberances; dorsal surface of lateral margin with protuberances each bearing one long black seta, forming a row; anterior angles rounded, posterior angles acute (Fig. 5); prosternal process produced backwards. Elytron (Fig. 5) with one main raised carina the same height as suture; area between main carinae and suture flat, with large protuberances not arranged; main carinae converging at apex of elytra; lateral margin broad, rounded, adjacent to elytron, with a row of black setae arising from protuberances; pseudopleuron with abundant setae arising from protuberances. In some specimens from outside Peninsula Vald��s there is sometimes a smooth longitudinal area not elevated in space between main carina and lateral margin of elytron (Fig. 5). Legs. Protibiae with apical process equal to length of protarsomeres 1���2 or 1���3; meso and metatibiae with a row of long, black setae on inner margin. Type material. Holotype, male: [Argentina, Chubut/ Pen��nsula de Vald��s Estancia/ El Salitral 42 �� 24 ��� 18 ���S / 63 �� 57 ��� 24 ���W 16 -XII- 2007 / M. Nabte, G. Cheli] [Praocis (Hemipraocis)/ sellata granulipennis ssp. nov. / HOLOT- YPUS male/ Det. G. Flores and/ R. Carrara 2011] (IADIZA). Allotype, female: [Argentina, Chubut/ Pen��nsula de Vald��s/ Estancia La Irma 42 �� 16 ��� 26 ���S / 63 �� 41 ��� 21 ���W 18 -XII- 2006 / M. Nabte - G. Cheli] (IADIZA). Paratypes with data: Argentina, Chubut, Pen��nsula Vald��s: 25 -I- 1971, A. Kovaks, 1 (HNHM); 1 km W Playa Pardelas/ 42 �� 37 ��� 05.5���S, 64 �� 16 ��� 11.3 ���W, 24 m / 13 -I- 2010, G. Flores, G. Cheli, R. Carrara, (1 MACN, 1 ENTCNP); 14 km E Punta Buenos Aires/ 42 �� 13 ��� 32 ���S, 64 �� 13 ��� 45.2 ���W, 7 m / 8 -I- 2010, G. Flores, G. Cheli, R. Carrara, 1 (MLPA). Paratypes with data: Argentina, Chubut: Dto. Rawson, Trelew, circuito/ Mar y Valle, 43 �� 17 ��� 50.26 "S, 65 �� 15 ��� 45.06 "W, 13 - XI- 1997 / D. Rojas Lan��s, 1 (IADIZA); Dto. Gaiman Dique Ameghino/ 27 -IX- 1997 / D. Rojas Lan��s, 1 (IADIZA; Fig. 5); Trelew, 4 -X- 1997 / D. Rojas Lan��s, 1 (IADIZA); Puerto Madryn, 28 -XI- 1998 / D. Rojas Lan��s, 1 (NHMB); Cerro Avanzado, 17 km SE/ Puerto Madryn, 15 -I- 2008 / G., L. y F. Flores / 42 �� 49 ��� 47 ���S, 64 �� 53 ��� 0.5 ���W, 102 m /, 1 (IADIZA); Las Plumas/ (47 km W)/ 10 -XI- 1985 / L.E. Pe��a 1 (FMNH). One paratype: Argentina, Rio Negro, Dto. Valcheta/ Meseta Somuncur��, Pto. San Nicol��s/ 15 -XI- 2009, G. Cheli/ 41 �� 43 ��� 50.19 ���S / 66 �� 26 ��� 15.86 ���W / 898 m, 1 (ENTCNP). Other material examined (without head): six specimens from Argentina, Chubut, Peninsula Vald��s: Estancia Los dos Hermanos, 42 �� 48 ��� 57 ���S, 64 �� 02��� 03���W, 55 m, 9 -I- 2010, G. Flores, G. Cheli, R. Carrara, 1 (IADIZA); ruta provincial N�� 47, inicio Caleta Vald��s, 42 �� 16 ��� 23.4 ���S, 63 �� 41 ��� 13 ���W, 8 m, 13 -I- 2010, G. Flores, G. Cheli, R. Carrara, (3 IADIZA, 1 ENTCNP); 14 km E Punta Buenos Aires/ 42 �� 13 ��� 32 ���S, 64 �� 13 ��� 45.2 ���W, 7 m / 8 -I- 2010, G. Flores, G. Cheli, R. Carrara, 1 (IADIZA). Etymology. We named this new subspecies granulipennis to emphasize the protuberances covering the dorsal surface of elytra, which are larger than pronotal punctures (Fig. 5). Distribution and habitat. Praocis (Hemipraocis) sellata granulipennis is widespread in Peninsula Vald��s (Fig. 7) and shares the habitat with other tenebrionid species such as Ecnomoderes bruchi Gebien, Emmallodera crenatocostata crenatocostata Blanchard, E. hirtipes Kulzer, Epipedonota cristallisata (Lacordaire), Mitragenius araneiformis Curtis, Nyctelia dorsata Fairmaire, N. nodosa (Germar), Patagonogenius collaris (Kulzer), Psectrascelis sulcicollis (Waterhouse), Leptynoderes tuberculata Curtis, L. strangulata Fairmaire, Hylithus tentyroides (Lacordaire), and Blapstinus punctulatus Solier. This subspecies is also distributed outside the peninsula in the biogeographic province of Monte (Fig. 7). Ecological notes. This subspecies lives in: 1) herbaceous-shrub steppes of the southern part of Peninsula Vald��s, where Chuquiraga avellanedae, Ch. erinacea ssp. hystrix, Piptochaetium napostaense, Nassella tenuis, and Plantago patagonica are dominant; 2) clayey, poorly-permeable and salty soils in central PV (closed basins) with scarce grass cover, where small Ch. avellanedae shrubs dominate the landscape; 3) the northern part of PV (Sediplains of ���Rodados Patag��nicos���) with dense grass cover and large bushes, the latter represented by Ch. avellanedae, Condalia microphylla, and Schinus johnstonii among others (Bertiller et al. 1981, Rostagno 1981).
Published as part of Flores, Gustavo E., Carrara, Rodolfo & Cheli, Germ��n H., 2011, Three new Praociini (Coleoptera: Tenebrionidae) from Peninsula Vald��s (Argentina), with zoogeographical and ecological remarks, pp. 39-50 in Zootaxa 2965 on pages 43-45, DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.205983
{"references":["Bertiller, M. B., Beeskow, A. M. & Irisarri, M. (1981) Caracteres fisonomicos y floristicos de la vegetacion del Chubut. 2. Peninsula Valdes e istmo C. Ameghino. Contribucion Nº 41, Centro Nacional Patagonico (CONICET), Puerto Madryn. 20 pp.","Rostagno, C. M. (1981) Reconocimiento de suelos de la Peninsula de Valdes e Istmo Ameghino, Chubut. Contribucion Nº 44, Centro Nacional Patagonico (CONICET), Puerto Madryn. 24 pp."]}
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