Technology management as a tool of innovative strategy of education and cognitive management

Autor: Syryamkin Vladimir I, E.G. Syryamkina
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Procedia-Social and Behavioral Sciences. 2015. Vol. 166. P. 468-471
Popis: The paper studies the use of technology management for advanced innovative personnel training for effective scientific, technological, economic and social development of countries, describing cognitive strategies in the sixth and seventh technological cycles. Competency building approach in the new formation of the sixth technological cycle requires the control of cognition process, methods of creating of broad education from information assigned to the subject of knowledge. Cognitive technologies of the sixth technological cycle are oriented to pure cognitive processes and belong to the field of psychology, pedagogy and knowledge, while socio-humanitarian technologies refer to the person, practice, society, ethics, morals, values and culture. It appears in the seventh way of subjectivity environment, subjectivity culture, specially organized and reflective-active environment, making new forms of life on the planet. Historical traditions of the Russian culture and mentality give reasons to be one of the first countries to try to get into the seventh technological cycle
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