An Approximate Linear Analysis of Structures Utilizing Incremental Loading of Force Method

Autor: Najmadeen M. Saeed, Ahmed Manguri
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: ISSUE SIX. 4:37-44
ISSN: 2520-7792
Popis: A relatively simple technique has been introduced in this paper. The approach is based on the Linear Force Method (FM) with discretion of the applied loads to the subsequence steps and updating coordinates in each iteration to have new geometrical property. The accuracy of the technique depends on the size of the discretion which depends on the number of iterations. A small change in the configuration could hugely affect the displacement and internal forces in geometrically nonlinear structures, that’s why the current approach is vital. The proposed technique is validated with other techniques of nonlinear analysis of the structures with a very good agreement in both terms of external nodal displacements and internal bar forces.
Databáze: OpenAIRE