Additional file 10 of Comparative neurotranscriptomics reveal widespread species differences associated with bonding

Autor: Tripp, Joel A., Berrio, Alejandro, McGraw, Lisa A., Matz, Mikhail V., Davis, Jamie K., Inoue, Kiyoshi, Thomas, James W., Young, Larry J., Phelps, Steven M.
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.6084/m9.figshare.14707895
Popis: Additional file 10: Supplementary Fig. 1. Expression pattern of significant genes is consistent across regions. Plots show counts for samples collected at each pre-mating (0 h) and post-mating (0.5, 2, or 12 h) collection point. Each point represents one sample. Darker shades and triangles represent prairie vole samples. Lighter shades and circles represent meadow vole samples. a. Nfkbia in AMY (above) and VP/NAc (below). b. Pxn in HT (above) and VP/NAc (below). c. Per1 in HT (above) and VP/NAc (below). d. Cables1 in HT (above) and VP/NAc (below). Supplementary Fig. 2. Gene ontology analysis for amygdala gene-expression modules. Enriched GO terms in a. prairie vole green module and b. meadow vole darkorchid module. Hierarchical clustering tree shows relationship between GO categories based on shared genes. Branches with length of zero are subsets of one another. Fractions preceding GO terms indicate proportion of genes from the category that are included in the module of interest. FDR determined by 100 permutations where significance measures are randomly shuffled among genes. Bold text indicates adjusted p
Databáze: OpenAIRE