Transformations of the Language Laboratory

Autor: Mads Bo-Kristensen, Bente Tobiesen Meyer
Přispěvatelé: Hansson, Thomas
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2008
Zdroj: Meyer, B & Bo-Kristensen, M 2008, Transformations of the Language Laboratory . in T Hansson (ed.), Handbook of Research on Digital Information Technologies : Innovations, Methods and Ethical Issues . Idea Group Publishing, pp. 27-36 .
Popis: This chapter focuses on the relationship between remediation and educational innovation in Information and Communications Technology- (ICT) intensive learning environments, as exemplified by the language laboratory (language lab) and its digital descendants. Historically, the language laboratory has been affected by a number of technological and instructional changes, transforming the dead-end of behavioural methodology into the current socio-collaborative paradigms of language learning. The language laboratory has thus been transformed into a learning environment that incorporates and refers to several generations of technology-based language learning. The principles of Computer-Assisted Language Learning (CALL) will serve as this chapter’s theoretical framework. It will also deal with the issues of repurposing and remediation raised by Bolter & Grusin (1999). Remediation is defined as a process of transformation wherein older media are represented and refashioned in new media contexts. It will also be argued that there is a dialogical relationship between the processes of remediation inherent in the genealogy of the language laboratory, and the processes of educational innovation. In addition to this, the chapter will suggest ways of rethinking and reforming the language laboratory through Mobile-Assisted Language Learning (MALL).
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