Nemastoma relictum Gruber & Martens 1968, stat. nov

Autor: Novak, Tone, Novak, Ljuba Slana, Kozel, Peter, Schaider, Miriam Gudrun, Komposch, Christian, Lipovšek, Saška, Podlesnik, Jan, Paušič, Igor, Raspotnig, Günther
Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5648405
Popis: Nemastoma relictum Gruber & Martens, 1968 stat. nov. Komposch Figs 1B, 2, 4C, 5C, 6C, 7D, 8D, 9C, 10C, 11D, 12C, 13C; Tables 5–6 Nemastoma bidentatum relictum Gruber & Martens, 1968: 147–149, figs 14−16, 24 (original description). Nemastoma bidentatum relictum – Martens 1978: 112–113, figs 148−150. — Komposch & Gruber 2004: 485. — Komposch 2009: 476; 2011: 65. — Schönhofer 2013: 36. Diagnosis Species within the N. b. complex with button-shaped Ch-Apo, and secretion field oriented frontally. Pa- Fe without spines, slightly club-shaped (Pa-Fe min:max width ~1:2.3). Rec sem with 5 lobate, tubularsaccular vesicles. Material examined AUSTRIA • 2 ♂♂, 3 ♀♀; Grosses Kar, the Koralpe Mts; 25 Oct. 2005; C. Komposch leg. (CK det.); PMSL. Description (according to Gruber & Martens 1968, slightly modified) Male (from Grosses Kar, Salzburg) BODY. Length 1.55−1.60. CHELICERAE. Ch with flat triangular dorsal margin in front of dorsal indentation; ventral margin straight, with minute triangular hump. Ch-Apo button-like, inferior and frontal margins straight, embracing a 90° angle, Ch-Apo dorsally round, secretion field with dense setae (brush) frontally (Figs 4C, 6C, 9C). Proximal article length 0.54, distal article length 0.53, max width 0.18, movable finger length 0.19. PEDIPALPS. Pa-Tr dorsal margin high, oval, leaned distally; Pa-Fe distended distally (max:min width ~ 1.7:1), without spines. Pa-Pt with conspicuously convex ventral margin and finger-like medial Apo. Pa-Ti and Pa-Ta straight (Figs 5C, 6C). Pa article lengths in Table 5. PENIS. Pe length 1.6, Pe basis ¼ Pe length, glans isosceles triangular (Figs 7C, 8C). LEGS. Leg article lengths in Tables 5–6. Female (from Grosses Kar, Salzburg) BODY. Length 1.70. CHELICERAE. Ch basal article with low-arched dorsal margin in front of indentation, and ventral lowarched concavity, Ch basal article length:width ~ 2.3:1 (Fig. 13C). Proximal article length 0.56, distal article length 0.55, max width 0.19, movable finger length 0.20. PEDIPALPS. Pa short, ~ 2 mm long, Pa-Tr with high, isosceles triangular dorsal margin arched on the top, Pa-Fe distended distally (max:min width ~1.6:1), Pa-Ta short, Pa-Ta length:Pa-Ti length ~1:1.6 (Fig. 13C). Pa article lengths in Table 5. OVIPOSITOR. Rec sem with 5 lobate, tubular-saccular vesicles (Fig. 11D). LEGS. Leg article lengths in Tables 5–6. Remarks We did not examine the original type material; for the current description, we used other specimens from the type location. Rec sem were found much different from the other taxa within the N. b. complex. Distribution Austria, endemite of eastern Central Alps (Gruber & Martens 1968; Martens 1978; Komposch 1999, 2009). Vertical distribution: 1325−2240 m a.s.l. (Komposch 1999, 2009). Type locality: Grosses Kar, near the Tappenkarsee Lake, Kleinartal, Salzburg (47.19° N, 13.32° E, 1760 m a.s.l.), Radstädter Tauern Mts, Austria. Ecology Nemastoma relictum stat. nov. is a montane to alpine species within the N. b. complex inhabiting forests below the krummholz zone, alpine meadows, spring-areas, and gravel and block heaps in the eastern Central Alps (Gruber & Martens 1968; Martens 1978; Komposch 1999, 2009) in 1325–2240 m a.s.l. (Komposch 1999). Phenology: evidence of adults from the end of May till the end of October, but probably eurychronous.
Published as part of Novak, Tone, Novak, Ljuba Slana, Kozel, Peter, Schaider, Miriam Gudrun, Komposch, Christian, Lipovšek, Saška, Podlesnik, Jan, Paušič, Igor & Raspotnig, Günther, 2021, Hidden diversity within the Nemastoma bidentatum Roewer, 1914 complex (Opiliones: Nemastomatidae) Part I: Morphological evidence, pp. 1-67 in European Journal of Taxonomy 777 on pages 16-18, DOI: 10.5852/ejt.2021.777.1561,
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