Neighboring group participation in 12,20-dioxopregnanes

Autor: Alexander Kasal, Libor Matyas, Radek Pohl
Zdroj: Scopus-Elsevier
Popis: 12,20-Dioxo-5α-pregnan-3β-yl acetate, obtained from hecogenin, was treated with NaH in DMSO to yield the bridged cyclopropano ketone, 3β-hydroxy-12α,21-cyclo-12β,21-methano-5α,17α-pregnan-20-one. In tert-BuOH the reaction leads to 3β-hydroxy-12,21-cyclo-5α-pregn-12,21-en-20-one. Experimental data prove that the new methylene group of the cyclopropane ring came from DMSO.
Databáze: OpenAIRE