Autor: Dr. Sandesh Kumar, Dr. Ahmed Ali Danish, Dr. Khalil Ahmed Shaikh, Dr. Hamid Nawaz Ali Memon, Dr. Samar Raza And *Muhammad Jan Khetran
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3364235
Popis: Objective: To explore the fine needle aspiration Cytology (FNAC) evaluation of lymph nodes at teaching hospital. Patients and Methods:A total of fifty patients were explored who were referred for FNAC of enlarged superficial lymph nodes were assessed and included in the study. Patients were interrogated in detail regarding their particulars, presenting complaints, past history and treatment received. The patients underwent FNAC evaluation of the enlarged lymph node(s), using a 22 or 23 gauge needle attached to a 10 cc disposable syringe. Consent of the patients was obtained in each case while all slides after staining were mounted using standard cover slips and then analyzed by standard microscopy whereas the frequency / percentages (%) and means ±SD computed for study variables. Results:During six month study period total fifty patients had lymphadenopathy were explored and study. The mean ± SD for age (yrs) of population was 58.51±7.81 respectively. Regarding gender male 35 (70%) and female 15 (30%) while regarding the distribution of lesions reactive hyperplasia 20 (40%), granulomatous lymphadenitis 12 (24%), acute suppurative lymphadenitis 06 (12%), necrotic lymph adenitis 05 (10%), lymphoproliferative disorder 04 (8.0%) and metastases 03 (6.0%) Conclusion:FNAC is a helpful, moderately non - horrendous and fast technique for diagnosing the hidden pathology and is significant demonstrative device in the assessment of superficial lymph nodes. KeyWords:Fine needle aspiration Cytology and Lymph node.
Databáze: OpenAIRE