Veterinary communication can influence farmer Change Talk and can be modified following brief Motivational Interviewing training

Autor: Alison M. Bard, David C. J. Main, Anne M. Haase, Helen R. Whay, Kristen K. Reyher
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: PloS one. 17(9)
ISSN: 1932-6203
Popis: Current veterinary communication skills training often focuses on the strategies necessary to successfully transfer information and promote shared decision making rather than inspiring client motivation to engage in behaviour change(s). One evidence-based communication methodology with a specific focus on enhancing conversations about change is Motivational Interviewing (MI), which is perceived by veterinarians to be highly relevant to their profession. We examined whether veterinarians who experienced brief (4–5 hours) MI training (BMIT) were able to change their communication behaviours to be more MI consistent. Fourteen veterinarians recorded 31 veterinary herd health consultations before (n = 15) and after (n = 16) BMIT to allow pre-post intervention analysis of veterinarian and farmer verbal behaviour. Additionally, using a sequential linguistic analysis of 3885 veterinarian-farmer communication events within these consultations, the influence of veterinarians’ verbal behaviours on farmers’ response language was explored. Analysis of veterinary consultations undertaken before and after BMIT revealed that veterinarians changed their communication style to be more consistent with the MI methodology, including more use of reflection statements, a more empathic and partnership-oriented consultation style and greater emphasis on clients’ own language in favour of change goals. In response, farmers contributed more to the conversation and discussed more herd health-related changes. Sequential linguistic analysis suggested that following a veterinarian emphasising something positive about the farmer (e.g. efforts, strengths), seeking collaboration or emphasising farmer choice, farmers were subsequently more likely to express arguments in favour of change (‘Change Talk’), especially phrases indicative of commitment. This study offers the first evidence of the potential value of a BMIT experience to enhance veterinary communication skills, although conscious and disciplined use of MI principles, strategies and Spirit–an ethos of compassion, acceptance, partnership and evocation—requires longer and more complex training. Further studies examining the longevity and consistency of these verbal behaviour changes following BMIT are required.
Databáze: OpenAIRE