Light-Cone Distribution Amplitudes of Bottom Baryons

Autor: Parkhomenko, Alexander
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Hamburg : Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron, DESY 253-263 (2014). doi:10.3204/DESY-PROC-2013-03/Parkhomenko
Helmholtz International School on Physics of Heavy Quarks and Hadrons, HQ2013, Dubna, Russia, 2013-07-15-2013-07-28
ISSN: 1435-8077
DOI: 10.3204/desy-proc-2013-03/parkhomenko
Popis: A discussion of the three-quark light-cone distribution amplitudes (LCDAs) for the ground state heavy baryons with the spin-parities $J^P = 1/2^+$ and $J^P = 3/2^+$ in QCD in the heavy-quark limit is presented. Simple models for the bottom-baryon distribution amplitudes are analyzed with account of their scale dependence.
Proc. of 2013, HQ2013, 253 - 263; DESY-PROC-2013-03; ISSN 1435-8077
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