Conflict Management Styles of Elementary School Heads and Their Influence to Teachers' Morale

Autor: Carolyn M. Illescas, David R. Perez
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3975041
Popis: This study focused on theconflict management styles of elementary school heads and their influence to teachers’ morale as perceived by the elementary school heads themselves and the elementary teachers in the Division of Puerto Princesa City. Quantitative method of research was employed. Data were obtained through the use of survey questionnaire. Frequency counts, percentages, mean, weighted mean, Pearson Product Moment Correlation Coefficient r and Korin’s Correlation were applied in the treatment of raw data. Result of the study revealed that collaborating was evident and was the dominant conflict management styles of elementary school heads. As to causes of conflict, both school heads and teachers claimed that the variables under personality factors are the major causes conflicts in school. Proposed solutions to conflict are respect and obedience, sharing of interest and goals and improved communication. The study revealed that conflict management styles of elementary school heads influence teachers’ morale. Significant difference existed on the perception of both elementary school heads and teachers in terms of collaborating, competing, accommodating and compromising as conflict management styles of elementary school heads. The perception of elementary school heads and teachers are similar in terms of causes of conflicts and proposed solution.
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