Characterization, deployment, and in-flight performance of the BLAST-TNG cryogenic receiver

Autor: Johannes Hubmayr, Philip Daniel Mauskopf, Peter A. R. Ade, Gene C. Hilton, Jason E. Austermann, Gabriele Coppi, Juan D. Soler, Nicholas Galitzki, Mark J. Devlin, Michael R. Vissers, Federico Nati, Peter C. Ashton, Nathan P. Lourie, Dale Li, Paul A. Williams, Hamdi Mani, Jiansong Gao, Laura M. Fissel, Christopher McKenney, Carole Tucker, Bradley Dober, Caleb Wheeler, Jeff Klein, Giles Novak, Christopher Groppi, Valentina Fanfani, L. Javier Romualdez, Giampaolo Pisano, Adrian Sinclair, Joel N. Ullom, Samuel Gordon, Erin G. Cox, Ian Lowe
Přispěvatelé: Zmuidzinas J.,Gao J.-R., Lowe, I, Ade, P, Ashton, P, Austermann, J, Coppi, G, Cox, E, Devlin, M, Dober, B, Fanfani, V, Fissel, L, Galitzki, N, Gao, J, Gordon, S, Groppi, C, Hilton, G, Hubmayr, J, Klein, J, Li, D, Lourie, N, Mani, H, Mauskopf, P, Mckenney, C, Nati, F, Novak, G, Pisano, G, Romualdez, J, Soler, J, Sinclair, A, Tucker, C, Ullom, J, Vissers, M, Wheeler, C, Williams, P
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.48550/arxiv.2012.01372
Popis: The Next Generation Balloon-borne Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (BLAST-TNG) is a submillimeter polarimeter designed to map interstellar dust and galactic foregrounds at 250, 350, and 500 microns during a 24-day Antarctic flight. The BLAST-TNG detector arrays are comprised of 918, 469, and 272 MKID pixels, respectively. The pixels are formed from two orthogonally oriented, crossed, linear-polarization sensitive MKID antennae. The arrays are cooled to sub 300mK temperatures and stabilized via a closed cycle $^3$He sorption fridge in combination with a $^4$He vacuum pot. The detectors are read out through a combination of the second-generation Reconfigurable Open Architecture Computing Hardware (ROACH2) and custom RF electronics designed for BLAST-TNG. The firmware and software designed to readout and characterize these detectors was built from scratch by the BLAST team around these detectors, and has been adapted for use by other MKID instruments such as TolTEC and OLIMPO. We present an overview of these systems as well as in-depth methodology of the ground-based characterization and the measured in-flight performance.
Comment: Presented at SPIE Millimeter, Submillimeter, and Far-Infrared Detectors and Instrumentation for Astronomy X, December 13-18, 2020
Databáze: OpenAIRE