Deep Time and Domestication in Vahni (Anthony Ezekiel) Capildeo’s ‘Dog or Wolf’

Autor: David Farrier
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Farrier, D 2022, ' Deep time and domestication in Vahni (Anthony Ezekiel) Capildeos' 'Dog or Wolf' ', Worldviews: Global Religions, Culture, Ecology, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 260-266 .
ISSN: 1568-5357
DOI: 10.1163/15685357-tat00001
Popis: In this short article, I read Vahni (Anthony Ezekiel) Capildeo’s lyric poem ‘Dog or Wolf’ as an illustration of how a poem can encompass the deep time of co-evolution and speciation (the process whereby species diverge). According to Jonathan Culler, there is a “special now” of lyric poetry: we encounter any poem in a perpetual present, but one with an open temporal horizon. Drawing on Deborah Bird Rose’s concept of ethical time, I suggest that the “gentle howling” of Capildeo’s ambiguous canid, which echoes Rose’s suggestion that other species call us into being, shows how poetry can also be a means of marking very deep time.
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