PoCoS – Potsdam Coreference Scheme

Autor: Olga Krasavina, Christian Chiarcos
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
Zdroj: LAW@ACL
Popis: This document outlines minimal design principles underlying annotation of coreference relations in PoCoS, a scheme for cross-linguistic anaphoric annotation. We identify language-independent principles for markable identification which are essential for comparability of annotations produced for different languages. We further suggest a clear and motivated structure of annotation stages, the separation of a coarse-grained core and a family of more elaborate extended schemes, and strategies for the systematic treatment of ambiguity. Explicit mark-up of ambiguities is a novel feature. We implemented three instantiations of PoCoS for German, English and Russian applied to corpora of newspaper texts.
Databáze: OpenAIRE