Education for Catholic Eco-pedagogy with Special Focus on Religious Education of Secondary School Students in the Republic of Croatia Education System

Autor: Mihael Prović
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Crkva u svijetu : Crkva u svijetu
Volume 54
Issue 3
ISSN: 1848-9656
DOI: 10.34075/cs.54.3.7
Popis: Konstantnim razvojem suvremenoga društva čovjek se sve više brine oko napretka i usavršavanja raznih tehničkih, tehnoloških i drugih disciplina, pritom ne mareći što iscrpljuje prirodne resurse, uništava prirodu i zagađuje okoliš. Katolička Crkva svojom ekopedagogijom već desetljećima, na razne načine, pokušava razvijati ekološku svijest svih svojih vjernika, posebno srednjoškolaca, kako bismo vjerskim odgojem i obrazovanjem postali svjesni opasnosti koja bi nas jednog dana mogla zadesiti zbog neodgovornog ponašanja prema prirodi, koja je osnovno i jedino stanište ljudskog roda. Autor u radu prikazuje mogućnosti ekološkog osvješćivanja srednjoškolaca preko teološkoga i pedagoškog vida vjeronaučne nastave. Referirajući se na društveno-humanistički pristup odgoja i obrazovanja, prema dokumentu Nacionalni okvirni kurikulum za predškolski odgoj i obrazovanje te opće obvezno i srednjoškolsko obrazovanje, autor proučava sadržaj katoličkog vjerskog odgoja u dokumentu Plan i program katoličkog vjeronauka za četverogodišnje srednje škole, te razmatra mogućnosti i utjecaj vjeronaučne nastave pri razvijanju senzibilnosti srednjoškolaca za ekološke teme i odgovoran odnos prema očuvanju prirode, njezinih resursa i čistoće okoliša. Autor predlaže nove pedagoške principe u tumačenju uloge katoličke ekopedagogije i izbora njezinih sadržaja, ciljeva i metoda odgoja u vjeronaučnoj nastavi.
With the constant development of modern society man has been increasingly concerned about the progress and improvement of various technical, technological and other disciplines without taking into account the exhaustion of natural resources, destroying nature and polluting environment. Through her eco-pedagogy the Catholic Church has been trying for decades, in various ways, to develop ecological awareness of all her faithful, especially the secondary school students, to become aware through religious education of the dangers that might befall us because of irresponsible behaviour toward nature, which is the basic and only habitat of human race. In the paper the author presents the possibilities of ecological awareness of secondary school students through theological and pedagogical aspect of religious education teaching. Referring to the Religious Education Syllabus for the four-year secondary schools, the author, studying the content of religious education, considers the opportunities and impacts of religious education teaching in developing the sensitivity of secondary school students to ecological topics and their responsible attitude towards nature conservation, its resources and environmental cleanliness.
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