Limnesia hesperia Lundblad 1930

Autor: K, Harry Smit, Pešić, Vladimir, K, K, Simon Clavier
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7945821
Popis: Limnesia hesperia Lundblad, 1930 New record — 1/0/0, Saut Sonnelle, Inini River, 3.668227°N, 53.960857°W, 28 Sept. 2017. Distribution — Peru (Lundblad 1930), Paraguay (Lundblad 1941), Surinam (Besseling 1949), French Guiana (this study). Remarks. According to Viets (1954b) Besseling’s material from Surinam does not belong to this species. When compared with the description in Lundblad (1941) there are indeed differences in the setation of P4. However, Besseling’s material and illustrations (Besseling 1949) matches the original description of Lundblad (1930), and, therefore, we disagree with Viets (1954b).
Published as part of K, Harry Smit, Pešić, Vladimir, K & K, Simon Clavier, 2022, Water mites from French Guiana, with the description of 14 new species (Acari: Hydrachnidia), pp. 1119-1153 in Acarologia 62 (4) on page 1124
{"references":["Lundblad O. 1930. Sudamerikanische Hydracarinen. Zugleich Revision von E. Daday aus Paraguay beschriebenen Arten. Zool. Bidr. Uppsala, 13: 1 - 86.","Lundblad O. 1941. Die Hydracarinenfauna Sudbrasiliens und Paraguays. Erster Teil. Kungl. Svensk. Vetenskapsakad. Handling., (s. 3), 19: 1 - 183.","Besseling A. J. 1949. Watermijten uit Suriname. Tijdschr. Entomol., 91: 159 - 179. (in Dutch with German summary)","Viets K. 1954 b. Wassermilben aus dem Amazonasgebiet (Hydrachnellae, Acari). (Systematische und okologische Untersuchungen). Bearbeitung der Sammlungen Dr. R. Braun, Arau, und Dr. H. Sioli, Belem. Schweiz. Zschr. Hydrol., 16: 78 - 247. https: // doi. org / 10.1007 / BF 02483636"]}
Databáze: OpenAIRE