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The article presents the problem of global ethical and social indiff erence in re-lation to Pope Francis’ refl ection on the need to oppose the globalization of indiff erence and the need to combine ecology as a refl ection on nature with anthropology as a refl ection on man. 149„Nie ma ekologii bez antropologii”. O zobojętnieniu ekologiczno-społecznymThe author analyzes Pope Francis’ Laudato si encyclical, juxtaposing its refl ec-tions with the thoughts contained in His other encyclicals, apostolic exhorta-tions, homilies, speech documents and books, thus showing a broader pano-rama of thoughts on the relationship between climate change on our planet and the present economic and social situation. The argument is, that “integral ecology” proposed by Pope Francis, which includes both nature and man, is an expression of ecological and social sensitivity, an example of concern for the fragility of both man and nature. Consequently, the author concludes that true ecological sensitivity is also a social sensitivity, as it includes the issue of social justice in the discussion of the environment, allowing for the opportunity to hear the cry of all harmed and suff ering beings. |