A Smart Distributed Marketplace

Autor: Kapassa Evgenia, Marios Touloupou, Dimosthenis Kyriazis, Marinos Themistocleous
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3627000
Popis: Online marketplaces are incredibly popular with customers around the globe selling products, also providing everyone as an online seller with a platform to reach a large, ready-to-buy products. Nonetheless, the issue is that it can be difficult to determine which one to trust as a seller. Especially in the world of 5G, where a marketplace is a mandatory component where developers can upload and verify their developed Network Services (NSs) or chained Virtual Network Functions (VNFs). Since those NSs are provisioned for a production environment, their consumers would need to trust the developer or the owner of that NS. To this end, in this paper we propose a smart distributed NFV Marketplace, in which we try to resolve security weaknesses related to the verification of the integrity of the developed VNFs and NSs.
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