A Study on the Relationship between Child Behavior Management and Educator's Education

Autor: Abdulselam Cican, Abdulaziz Doğan, Gokalp, Cihan, Oturak, Suat, Ozturk, Orkun Hakki, Çelik, Celal
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7580388
Popis: Confronting children about their behavior can have unintended and perhaps harmful effects on students and educators alike. Although successful tactics for behavior management can improve students' behavior, these strategies are not always faithfully applied in the classroom. The purpose of this exploratory mixed-method research is to explore what resources educators and other school personnel use to find information about effective behavior management strategies and their perceptions of these resources. The study will also explore what educators and other school personnel think of these resources (eg, search engines, internet media, professional organization websites, journals, peers, and professional development). In the interviews that followed, ten participants provided further insight into why educators chose certain tools and what they were looking for in behavioral resources. According to the findings, the most common reason for educators to consult their colleagues is that the information they give is easily accessible, understandable, reliable, and useful. The practice of challenging student behaviors such as disobedience, hostility, or deviation from the goal has detrimental effects on both children and educators. A decline in academic achievement, an increase in encounters with the juvenile justice system, and higher dropout rates have been associated with such behaviors (Gage & MacsugaGage, 2017; Noltemeyer et al., 2015; Rausch & Skiba, 2004). In addition, difficult student behaviors are one of the biggest contributors to teacher burnout and turnover rates (Brunsting et al., 2014; Garwood et al., 2018). Problems with behavior management are not specific to special education, as most teachers say that they must deal with children who exhibit difficult behaviors in their classrooms (Reinke et al., 2011; Westling, 2010). As a result, it is highly necessary for alleducators to create effective strategies for behavior control. This article is a review on the relationship between behavior management in children and education of the educator.
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