Effects on Combustion, Performance and Emissions of Diesel Engine Using Biodiesel Blends and Additives- A Review

Autor: Naveena Kumar R., R., Dhananjaya D., A., D. K. Ramesha
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2020
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.3989464
Popis: The Diesel engine is one of the most efficient engine among all types of internal combustion engines. Conventional fossil fuels cause more pollution this leads to search for environmental friendly and renewable fuels. Biodiesel is the alternative source of fuels Biodiesel contains virtually no sulphur or aromatics and use of biodiesel in a Diesel engine results in substantial reduction of unburned hydrocarbons (HC), carbon monoxide (CO) and particulate matter but most disadvantages of biodiesel are higher density, lesser heating value, high fuel consumption and high oxides of nitrogen (NOX) emission. To overcome this draw back additives are applied in biodiesel. Due to their special properties like higher thermal conductivity, chemical properties and enhanced properties additives promotes better combustion this causes reduction of hydrocarbon emission and improve the performance of CI engine. In this review article studied the effects of Nano additives on biodiesel fuel and efforts to recover the combustion, performance and emission reduction.
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