Dysphagia management: Does structured training improve the validity and reliability of cervical auscultation?

Autor: Liza Bergström, Julie A. Y. Cichero
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: International Journal of Speech-Language Pathology. 24:77-87
ISSN: 1754-9515
Popis: Purpose: Cervical auscultation (CA) uses a stethoscope or microphone to complement the clinical swallow examination by interpreting swallowing sounds and swallow-respiratory coordination. This study investigated the effects of structured CA training on CA-rating agreement with Flexible Endoscopic Evaluation of Swallowing (FEES) and CA rater reliability.Method: Thirty-nine speech-language pathologists participated in a structured CA training course at Gothenburg University. They rated nine swallow-respiratory sound recordings which were simultaneously recorded during FEES. Swallow sounds were rated six weeks prior to the CA-workshop using two binary yes/no questions, (1) Safe, (2) Dysphagia, and a third Dysphagia Severity rating. Swallow sounds were rated again (re-randomised) one month post CA-workshop.Result: Agreement with FEES (validity) improved significantly (p 90% and specificities at 76% and 85% respectively. Dysphagia severity rating improved non-significantly. Intra-rater reliability improved significantly with kappa statistics >0.90 post training. Improvements for inter-rater reliability were noted, though non-significant.Conclusion: Results demonstrate that with structured training, the validity of CA (to detect a Safe/Dysphagic swallow) significantly improves, as does intra-rater reliability. This is congruent with literature identifying the positive effects of structured training improving instrumental dysphagia assessment.
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