‘Well I Had Nothing Weird Going On’: Children’s Displays of Social Competence in Psychological Research Interviews

Autor: Lamerichs, Joyce, Alisic, Eva, Schasfoort, marca, Danby, Susan, Bateman, Amanda, Ekberg, Stuart
Přispěvatelé: Network Institute, Communication, Lamerichs, Joyce, Danby, Susan, Bateman, Amanda, Ekberg, Stuart
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Children and Mental Health Talk ISBN: 9783030284251
Children and Mental Health Talk: Perspectives on Social Competence, 167-201
STARTPAGE=167;ENDPAGE=201;TITLE=Children and Mental Health Talk
Lamerichs, J, Alisic, E & Schasfoort, M 2019, 'Well I had nothing weird going on': Children's Displays of Social Competence in Psychological Research Interviews . in J Lamerichs, S Danby, A Bateman & S Ekberg (eds), Children and Mental Health Talk : Perspectives on Social Competence . Palgrave Macmillan UK, pp. 167-201 . https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-28426-8_7
Popis: This chapter explores children’s interactional displays of competence when invited to take part in a psychological research interview. The interviews were conducted by a trained psychologist and aimed to find out how children themselves experienced recuperation from single-incident trauma, thus creating a more child-oriented perspective on trauma recovery. Our analysis explored three strategies children adopt to manage the interactional implications of participating in a setting in which the interviewing psychologist introduces situationally relevant notions such as ‘change’ and ‘recovery’. These strategies are: presenting a downgraded version of what happened, discounting ascriptions of a changed self and presenting normatively preferred versions of ‘doing being recovered’. This chapter advances our knowledge of how children participate in research interviews on highly sensitive topics, how they perform identity work around the notion of a ‘changed self’ and how they resist some lines of questioning. It has also enabled us to detail the challenges involved in adopting interviews as a means to collect insights into children’s experiences.
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