Thermoelectric Power ofp-Doped Single-Wall Carbon Nanotubes and the Role of Phonon Drag

Autor: Richard E. Smalley, Robert H. Hauge, Lars M. Ericson, Virginia A. Davis, John E. Fischer, Sivarajan Ramesh, Rajesh K. Saini, M. C. Llaguno, Juraj Vavro, Matteo Pasquali
Rok vydání: 2003
Zdroj: Physical Review Letters. 90
ISSN: 1079-7114
Popis: We measured thermoelectric power S of bulk single-wall carbon nanotube materials p doped with acids. In contrast to oxygen-exposed or degassed samples, S is very small at the lowest temperatures, increases superlinearly above a characteristic and sample-dependent T, and then levels off. We attribute this unusual behavior to 1D phonon drag, in which the depression of the Fermi energy cuts off electron-phonon scattering at temperatures below a characteristic T0. This idea is supported by a model calculation in which the low temperature behavior of phonon drag is specifically related to the one-dimensional character of the electronic spectrum.
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