Impact of stone ground ‘V-fines’ dispersion and compatibilization on polyethylene wood plastic composites

Autor: Ilkka Nurminen, Jari Sirviö, Erkki Saharinen, David Sandquist, Kirsi Immonen
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Immonen, K, Saharinen, E, Nurminen, I, Sirviö, J & Sandquist, D 2020, ' Impact of stone ground 'V-fines' dispersion and compatibilization on polyethylene wood plastic composites ', BioResources, vol. 15, no. 3, pp. 6561-6575 . < >
ISSN: 1930-2126
DOI: 10.15376/biores.15.3.6561-6575
Popis: Recent studies have suggested that blocky mechanical pulp fines (CTMP fines) and fibrillar fines (SMC fines) have a negative impact on biocomposite modulus of rupture (MoR) in compression molded biocomposites. In addition, it was suggested that CTMP fines also have a negative impact on biocomposite modulus of elasticity (MoE). This study investigated whether these findings transfer to other types of cellulose fines material and injection molding. The effect of ‘V-fines’ addition to sawdust- and TMP-based biocomposites was analyzed, with respect to fines concentration, dispersing agent, and compatibilizers. The results indicated that the addition of ‘V-fines’ increased the stiffness (MoE) of all the analyzed compositions, while reducing the elongation at break. The addition of ‘V-fines’ reduced the tensile and flexural strength of TMP biocomposites, while it was largely unaffected for sawdust biocomposites. Flexural strength for neat ‘V-fines’ composites showed an increase that was proportional to the remaining pulp fibers composition. The addition of a dispersant agent to the ‘V-fines’ increased tensile strength, suggesting that an increased dispersion of the ‘V-fines’ can be achieved and is beneficial to the composite. The effects of the analyzed compatibilizer (polyethyleneoxide) was negligible, except for a small indication of increased MoE for fines / sawdust biocomposites.
Databáze: OpenAIRE