The influence of modern mobile devices on the performance of students

Autor: Abdumanonov, A.A.
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7549650
Popis: The modern smartphones attract teachers and students with their opportunities to develop competencies with numerous applications, and at the same time, the obvious and yet insufficiently studied threats associated with smartphones cause concern and concern. Having a huge potential for use in the educational environment, the phone becomes a cause o f conflict, a hindrance in lessons and a competitor to productive pastime. The paucity and inconsistency o f data on the impact o f the phone on academic achievement, psychological well-being, and interpersonal relationships require further research. The study among junior students o f the Institute considered the issues o f productive and problematic use o f mobile phones. The survey method was used to obtain information about the use o f a mobile phone. One o f the manifestations o f the construct "problematic mobile phone use" is the presence o f problems in various spheres o f life, including problems related to school. As a result o f the study, the positive and negative effects o f mobile phones on educational activities were identified.
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