Neutrino production of opposite sign dimuons in the NOMAD experiment

Autor: Malcolm Ellis, J.J. Gómez-Cadenas, E. Manola-Poggioli, Alexey Krasnoperov, F. Salvatore, M. K. Vo, M. Baldo-Ceolin, K. Benslama, O.L. Klimov, T. Vinogradova, S. Tereshchenko, M. Mezzetto, E. do Couto e Silva, J. Long, Kai Zuber, J. Dumarchez, Vyacheslav Valuev, J. Bouchez, B. A. Popov, M. T. Tran, C. Nguyen-Mau, T. Del Prete, A. Lupi, J. M. Gaillard, D. Hubbard, P. Zuccon, K. Schahmaneche, D. Verkindt, Caroline Poulsen, R. Cousins, A. Marchionni, A. Godley, J.-M. Vieira, P. Astier, T. Dignan, P. Hurst, S.R. Mishra, E. Tsesmelis, Caren Hagner, L. Di Lella, M. Valdata-Nappi, I. Bird, T. Schmidt, F. Juget, M. Veltri, A. Kovzelev, Chiara Roda, A. Letessier-Selvon, Domizia Orestano, G. Collazuol, Mario Stipčević, M. E. Sevior, F. Bobisut, D. Daniels, Giacomo Polesello, A. Pluquet, M. Tareb-Reyes, Valentin Kuznetsov, M. Contalbrigo, J-P. Meyer, J.-P. Mendiburu, A. Placci, L. La Rotonda, Alessandro Cardini, Kevin Varvell, S.N. Tovey, L.J. Winton, M. Kirsanov, E. Pennacchio, N. Hyett, Fr Pastore, André Rubbia, A. Grant, H. Pessard, P. Nedelec, J. Ulrichs, E. Iacopini, A. De Santo, Vincenzo Cavasinni, G. Sozzi, Barry Blumenfeld, C. Conta, Claus Gößling, B. Schmidt, G. Conforto, Michel Gouanère, J. Kokkonen, F. Martelli, Nathalie Besson, J. A. Hernando, D. Steele, L. Mossuz, D. Sillou, R. Petti, A. Guglielmi, M. Steininger, Roberto Ferrari, J. M. Levy, A. Lanza, Stefano Lacaprara, Fergus Wilson, G. Bassompierre, S. Boyd, B. Lakić, G. N. Taylor, Giacomo Graziani, Yu. Nefedov, L. Vacavant, A. Cervera-Villanueva, Bruce Yabsley, X. Méchain, L. Camilleri, H. Degaudenzi, G. J. Feldman, G. F. Moorhead, D. Autiero, A. M. Touchard, V. Flaminio, F. J. P. Soler, A. Polyarush, Achim Geiser, T. Weisse, P. Rathouit, Marco Fraternali, L. Linssen, J. Gosset, Didier Ferrere, Sergei Gninenko, D. Pollmann, D. Gibin, T. Stolarczyk, F.V. Weber, F. Vannucci, M. Banner, Antonio Bueno, A. N. Toropin, U. Stiegler, T. Fazio, H. Zaccone, E. Gangler, D. Geppert, C. Joseph, P.W. Cattaneo, Ante Ljubičić, L.S. Peak, S.A. Bunyatov, A. Baldisseri, G. Ballocchi, Marco Laveder, Valerio Vercesi
Přispěvatelé: Laboratoire d'Annecy de Physique des Particules (LAPP), Institut National de Physique Nucléaire et de Physique des Particules du CNRS (IN2P3)-Université Savoie Mont Blanc (USMB [Université de Savoie] [Université de Chambéry])-Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), NOMAD, BOMBAR, Claudine
Rok vydání: 2000
Zdroj: NOMAD Collaboration Astier, P. Cervera Villanueva, Anselmo Gómez Cadenas, Juan José 2000 Neutrino production of opposite sign dimuons in the NOMAD experiment Physics Letters B 486 1-2 35 48
RODERIC. Repositorio Institucional de la Universitat de Valéncia
Physics Letters B
Physics Letters B, Elsevier, 2000, 486, pp.35-48
ISSN: 0370-2693
Popis: The NOMAD Collaboration presents a study of opposite sign dimuon events in the framework of Leading Order QCD. A total of 2714 neutrino- and 115 antineutrino-induced opposite sign dimuon events with $E_{\mu 1}, E_{\mu 2} > 4.5$ GeV, $15 < E_{\nu} < 300$ GeV and $Q^{2} > 1\;(\mbox{GeV}/\mbox{c})^{2}$ are observed %in the data from the 1995 and 1996 runs. in the Front-Calorimeter of NOMAD during the 1995 and 1996 runs. The analysis yields a value for the charm quark mass of $m_{c} = 1.3^{+0.3\;+0.3}_{-0.3\;-0.3}\;\mbox{GeV}/\m box{c}^{2}$ and for the average semileptonic branching ratio of $B_{c} = 0.095^{+0.007\;+0.014}_{-0.007\;-0.013}$. The ratio of the strange to non-strange sea in the nucleon is measured to be $\kappa = 0.48^{+0.09 +0.17}_{-0.07 -0.12}$. The measured rate of charm-induced dimuon relative to single muon, as a function of neutrino energy, is consistent with the slow rescaling hypothesis of heavy quark production.
Databáze: OpenAIRE