Reliability of Frank Lead System of VCG in Infants and Children

Autor: Koetsu Kawamura, Masahata Takarada, Motoo Hayashi, Masao Chinen, Akira Onishi
Rok vydání: 1966
Zdroj: The Tohoku Journal of Experimental Medicine. 89:15-26
ISSN: 1349-3329
Popis: Frank lead system of vectorcardiography based on the well-established principle, has generally been adopted as an accurate lead system for adults by a majority of cardiologists. However, it was necessary to investigate whether this system is applicable to children of each age group, because in our experiments, so-called Burger triangles in infants and children obtained with the fluid mapper method were different from those in adults. Therefore, in two series of experiments, the results obtained with Frank lead system were compared with those obtained with Grishman lead system. Although in Frank lead system the ARS loops showed a more or less considerable distortion in the cases with incomplete right bundle branch block pattern, this system produced usually no significant distortion and was applicable to infants and children. It was proved that Frank lead system is more useful than Grishman lead system in children with or without heart diseases.
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