P-aeruginosa Quorum Sensing System and the Experimental Model of Chronic Respiratory Infection: Scientific Letter

Autor: Vahide Bayrakal, İsmail Hakkı Bahar, H. Alper Bağriyanik, Osman Yilmaz, Meral Karaman, Muge Kiray
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2011
Popis: ABS TRACT Op por tu nis tic pat ho gen Pse u do mo nas ae ru gi no sa is a mo del mic ro or ga nism used in exp la i ning cell-to-cell sig na ling system, na med Qu o rum Sen sing (QS). In chro nic P. ae ru gi no sa in fec ti ons, bac te ri a sur vi ve in bi o film and de fend them sel ves aga inst host de fen se mec ha nisms by dif fe rent vi ru len ce fac tors. Thre e known QS systems, las, rhl and qu i no lo nes are ba si cally res pon sib le for the pro duc ti on of vi ru len ce fac tors. Ex pe ri men tal ani mal mo dels are com monly used in ex a mi ning in vit ro and in vi vo be ha vi ors of the bac te ri a, and exp la i ning in te rac ti ons bet we en host, bac te ri a and an ti bac te ri als. Among the se, chro nic pul mo nary in fec ti on mo del, app li ed by ad mi nis tra ti on of agar-im pre ag na ted bac te ri al sus pen si ons in to trac he a, is spe ci al be ca u se it mi micks the bi o film, a vi ru len ce fac tor. Com pa ra ti ve stu di es con duc ted par ti cu lary with QS wild-type and QS mu tant stra ins, pro vi de im por tant in for ma ti on for un ders tan ding the pat ho ge ne sis of in fec ti on. In this ar tic le, the ro le of P. ae ru gi no sa QS system in the ex pe ri men tal mo del of chro nic lung in fec ti on is fo cu sed.
Databáze: OpenAIRE