Contacyphon caffer Boheman 1851

Autor: Ruta, Rafał, Libonatti, María Laura
Rok vydání: 2016
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.6085351
Popis: Contacyphon caffer (Boheman, 1851) (Figs 1 D, 5, 6) Elodes caffer Boheman, 1851: 425 (terra typica: Natal; see notes under ���Distribution���) Cyphon caffer: Pic 1914 (catalogue) Contacyphon caffer: Zwick et al. 2013 (catalogue) Type material (1 specimen, NHRS). Holotype, female. ���Caffra \ ria.���; ���J. Wahlb���; ��� Type ���; ��� Typus ��� [red label]; ���NHRS-VKBS \ 000000414���. Redescription. Holotype, female. Body oval, moderately convex, shining, covered with yellowish semierect setae. Body uniformly testaceous. Head moderately convex, covered with granulate punctures which are separated by ca. 1.0 ��� 2.0 diameters; clypeus moderately long, transversely rectangular, front margin shallowly arcuate. Eyes relatively small, moderately protuberant, HW/IS 1.6. Antennae filiform, scape large, subcylindrical, without sharp anterior edge, antennomere 2 half as long as scape, cylindrical, antennomere 3 almost as long as antennomere 2 but distinctly narrower. Pronotum slightly convex, covered with granulate punctures, which are similar to punctures on central portion of head, and distinctly stronger on sides of pronotum; very subtle microreticulation can be observed between punctures at relatively high magnification (110 x); antero-lateral angles subtriangular, projecting anteriorly; postero-lateral angles obtuse; posterior margin subtly bisinuate; PW/PL 2.1. Scutellar shield finely punctate, equilateral-triangular. Elytra oblong-oval, sides rounded, punctures normal, not granulate, distinctly stronger than on head and pronotum, separated by ca. 1.0 diameter; humeri elevated; EL/EW 1.1; EL/PL 4.0; EW/ PW 1.7; TL/EW 1.4. Tergite 8 long (L 1.4 mm), with paired apodemes; sternite 8 shorter (L 0.55 mm), with paired apodemes which are connected in front; ovipositor very long (L 2.2 mm), with membranous coxites; prehensor large, elongated (L 1.02 mm, W 0.58 mm), with triangular structure in anterior portion, small outgrowths on lateral sides, and rectangular outgrowth at posterior end; posterior portion of genital tract with pair of circular sclerites (diameter of each ca. 0.23 mm). Male. Unknown. Measurements. Female, n = 1. TL 3.5 mm, PL 0.7 mm, PW 1.5 mm, EL 2.8 mm, EW 2.5 mm. Distribution. See note under Brachycyphon marginipennis. Remarks. This species exhibits most of the diagnostic features of Contacyphon Gozis, like transversely rhomboid mesoventral groove, buttonhole configuration of head, and presence of prehensor. Brush organ was not observed, and morphology of mandibles was not examined. Presence of paired circular sclerites and large prehensor is a feature common to numerous African species of Contacyphon (Ruta, unpublished observations).
Published as part of Ruta, Rafa�� & Libonatti, Mar��a Laura, 2016, Redescriptions of Scirtidae (Coleoptera: Scirtoidea) described by Carl Henrik Boheman (1796 ��� 1868) with notes on Scirtes adustus diversenotatus Pic, 1930, pp. 203-216 in Zootaxa 4072 (2) on pages 207-209, DOI: 10.11646/zootaxa.4072.2.4,
{"references":["Boheman, C. H. (1851) Insecta Caffraria annis 1838 - 1845 a J. A. Wahlberg collecta, descripsit Carolus H. Boheman. Pars I Fasc. II. Coleoptera (Buprestides, Elaterides, Cebrionites, Rhipicerides, Cyphonides, Lycides, Lampyrides, Telephorides, Melyrides, Clerii, Terediles, Ptiniores, Palpatores, Silphales, Histeres, Scaphidilia, Nitidulariae, Cryptophagidae, Byrrhii, Dermestini, Parnidae, Hydrophilidae). Officina Norstedtiana, Holmiae, pp. 299 - 626.","Pic, M. (1914) Dascillidae, Helodidae, Eucinetidae. In: Junk, W. & Schenkling, S. (Eds.), Coleopterorum Catalogus, 10 (58), 1 - 65.","Zwick, P., Klausnitzer, B. & Ruta, R. (2013) Contacyphon Gozis, 1886 removed from synonymy (Coleoptera: Scirtidae) to accommodate species so far combined with the invalid name, Cyphon Paykull, 1799. Entomologische Blatter und Coleoptera, 109, 337 - 353."]}
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