Autor: O. Leonovich, Ye I Stepanova, Vitaliy Vdovenko, V Ð Zigalo, Kondrashova Vg, Kolpakov Ie
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Problemy radiatsiinoi medytsyny ta radiobiolohii. 25
ISSN: 2313-4607
Popis: to determine the relationship between polymorphisms of glutathione S-transferase gene family andbronchial hyperreactivity in children living in radioactively contaminated areas.School age children-residents of radioactively contaminated areas (RCA), without clinicalsigns of respiratory pathology were examined. Molecular genetic studies were carried out by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) for further analysis. The GSTT1, GSTM1 gene deletion polymorphism was investigated using multiplex PCR. PCR and PCR-RFLP analyses were performed in the studyof the GSTP1 gene A313G polymorphism. The ventilation lung capacity was examined by the pneumotachographicmethod according to the analysis of «the flow-volume» loop. The pharmacologic inhalation test with bronchodilator drug, affecting the β2-adrenergic lung receptors was used to detect the early changes in the ventilation lungcapacity - the bronchial hyperreactivity (latent and nonlatent bronchospasm).Molecular genetic studies showed that the GSTM1 gene deletion genotype and the GSTP1 gene A313G polymorphism were found significantly more often in the subgroup of children with bronchial hyperreactivity living inRCA than in children without bronchial hyperreactivity and children of the control group. The frequency of GSTT1deletion polymorphism did not have a statistically significant difference in all subgroups.The GSTM1 gene deletion polymorphism and the GSTP1 gene A313G genotype may be a risk factor fordeveloping bronchial hyperreactivity in children living under adverse environmental conditions, including radioactively contaminated areas.Meta: vyznachennia vzaiemozv’iazku mizh polimorfizmom geniv simeĭstva glutation-S-transferaz i bronkhial'noiugiperreaktyvnistiu u diteĭ, iaki meshkaiut' na radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriiakh.Materialy ta metody. Obstezheni dity shkil'nogo viku – meshkantsi radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriĭ (RZT), iakine maly klinichnykh oznak patologiï organiv dykhannia. Molekuliarno-genetychni doslidzhennia provodyly z vykorystanniam metodiv polimeraznoï lantsiugovoï reaktsiï (PLR) i polimorfizmu dovzhyny restryktsiĭnykh fragmentiv(PDRF) dlia podal'shogo analizu. Deletsiĭnyĭ polimorfizm geniv GSTT1, GSTM1 doslidzhuvaly z vykorystanniammul'typleksnoï PLR. Pry doslidzhenni polimorfizmu A313G gena GSTR1 provodyly PLR ta PLR–PDRF analiz.Doslidzhennia ventyliatsiĭnoï spromozhnosti legeniv provodyly metodom pnevmotakhografiï za danymy analizupetli «potik–ob’iem». Dlia vyiavlennia rannikh zmin ventyliatsiĭnoï spromozhnosti legeniv – bronkhial'noï giperreaktyvnosti (prykhovanogo i neprykhovanogo bronkhospazmu) vykorystovuvaly farmakologichnu ingaliatsiĭnu probu zbronkhorozshyriuval'nym preparatom, shcho vplyvaie na β2-adrenergichni retseptory legeniv.Rezul'taty. Molekuliarno-genetychni doslidzhennia pokazaly, shcho v pidgrupi diteĭ – meshkantsiv RZT z bronkhial'noiu giperreaktyvnistiu deletsiĭnyĭ genotyp gena GSTM1 ta A313G polimorfizm gena GSTR1 vyiavliavsia dostovirnochastishe, nizh u diteĭ bez bronkhial'noï giperreaktyvnosti i diteĭ kontrol'noï grupy. Chastota deletsiĭnogopolimorfizmu GSTT1 v usikh pidgrupakh ne mala statystychno znachushchoï riznytsi.Vysnovky. Deletsiĭnyĭ polimorfizm gena GSTM1 ta A313G genotyp gena GSTR1 mozhut' buty chynnykamy ryzykurozvytku bronkhial'noï giperreaktyvnosti u diteĭ, iaki meshkaiut' u nespryiatlyvykh umovakh navkolyshn'ogo seredovyshcha, u tomu chysli, na radioaktyvno zabrudnenykh terytoriiakh.
Databáze: OpenAIRE