Predictive Importance of Blood Pressure Characteristics With Increasing Age in Healthy Men and Women: The MORGAM Project

Autor: Matti Savallampi, Wojciech Drygas, Tarja Palosaari, Sameline Grimsgaard, Giancarlo Cesana, Marie Moitry, Simona Giampaoli, Peter M. Nilsson, Susana Sans, Kari Kuulasmaa, Sara V. Greve, Annette Peters, Anna Meta Dyrvig Kristensen, Luigi Palmieri, Jean Ferrières, Giovanni Veronesi, Manan Pareek, Hermann Brenner, Abdonas Tamosiunas, Stefan Söderberg, Frank Kee, Jean Dallongeville, Stephane Laurent, Veikko Salomaa, Chiara Donfrancesco, Giuseppe Mancia, Michael H. Olsen, Julie K K Vishram-Nielsen, Guido Grassi, Allan Linneberg
Přispěvatelé: Vishram-Nielsen, J, Kristensen, A, Pareek, M, Laurent, S, Nilsson, P, Linneberg, A, Greve, S, Palmieri, L, Giampaoli, S, Donfrancesco, C, Kee, F, Mancia, G, Cesana, G, Veronesi, G, Grassi, G, Kuulasmaa, K, Salomaa, V, Palosaari, T, Sans, S, Ferrieres, J, Dallongeville, J, Söderberg, S, Moitry, M, Drygas, W, Tamosiunas, A, Peters, A, Brenner, H, Grimsgaard, S, Savallampi, M, Olsen, M
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Hypertension 77, 1076-1085 (2021)
Vishram-Nielsen, J K K, Kristensen, A M D, Pareek, M, Laurent, S, Nilsson, P M, Linneberg, A, Greve, S V, Palmieri, L, Giampaoli, S, Donfrancesco, C, Kee, F, Mancia, G, Cesana, G, Veronesi, G, Grassi, G, Kuulasmaa, K, Salomaa, V, Palosaari, T, Sans, S, Ferrieres, J, Dallongeville, J, Söderberg, S, Moitry, M, Drygas, W, Tamosiunas, A, Peters, A, Brenner, H, Grimsgaard, S, Savallampi, M & Olsen, M H 2021, ' Predictive Importance of Blood Pressure Characteristics With Increasing Age in Healthy Men and Women : The MORGAM Project ', Hypertension (Dallas, Tex. : 1979), vol. 77, no. 4, pp. 1076-1085 .
Popis: It remains unclear which blood pressure (BP) characteristics best predict cardiovascular risk in different age groups and between sexes. We leveraged data from the MORGAM (MONICA [Monitoring of Trends and Determinants in Cardiovascular Disease], Risk, Genetics, Archiving and Monograph) Project to investigate determinants of BP characteristics and their prognostic importance, in younger and older (P interaction P P P P =0.03), enhanced continuous net reclassification improvement (0.150 [95% CI, 0.087–0.215]) and improved the prognostic value of the European Society of Cardiology/European Society of Hypertension hypertension definition (categorical net reclassification improvement=0.0255, P =0.005). In conclusion, diastolic BP may provide additional prognostic utility beyond systolic BP, in predicting composite cardiovascular events among younger individuals.
Databáze: OpenAIRE