Analysis of the Earthquake-Resistant Design Approach for Buildings in Mexico

Autor: Carrillo Leon Wilmer Julian, Hernández-Barrios Hugo, Rubiano-Fonseca Astrid
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2014
Zdroj: Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo
Popis: The development of new codes for earthquake-resistant structures has made possible to guarantee a better performance of buildings, when they are subjected to seismic actions. Therefore, it is convenient that current codes for design of building become conceptually transparent when defining the strength modification factors and assessing maximum lateral displacements, so that the design process can be clearly understood by structural engineers. The aim of this study is to analyze the transparency of earthquake-resistant design approach for buildings in Mexico by means of a critical review of the factors for strength modification and displacement amplification. The approach of building design codes in US is also analyzed. It is concluded that earthquake-resistant design in Mexico have evolved in refinement and complexity. It is also demonstrated that the procedure prescribed by such design codes allows the assessment of the design strengths and displacements in a more rational way, in accordance not only with the present stage of knowledge but also with the contemporary tendencies in building codes. In contrast, the procedures used in US codes may not provide a clear view for seismic response assessment of buildings.
Databáze: OpenAIRE