Technical issues in using robots to reproduce joint specific gait

Autor: Nigel G. Shrive, Linda L. Marchuk, David T. Corr, Robert C. Peterson, Joshua M. Rosvold, L. L. Marchuk, Shon P. Darcy, C. B. Frank, Cyril B. Frank, R. C. Peterson, Y. Achari, J. M. Rosvold, D. T. Corr, Yamini Achari
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Journal of biomechanical engineering. 133(5)
ISSN: 1528-8951
Popis: Reproduction of the in vivo motions of joints has become possible with improvements in robot technology and in vivo measuring techniques. A motion analysis system has been used to measure the motions of the tibia and femur of the ovine stifle joint during normal gait. These in vivo motions are then reproduced with a parallel robot. To ensure that the motion of the joint is accurately reproduced and that the resulting data are reliable, the testing frame, the data acquisition system, and the effects of limitations of the testing platform need to be considered. Of the latter, the stiffness of the robot and the ability of the control system to process sequential points on the path of motion in a timely fashion for repeatable path accuracy are of particular importance. Use of the system developed will lead to a better understanding of the mechanical environment of joints and ligaments in vivo.
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