Death as a Consequence of Foreign Body Aspiration in Children

Autor: Sabrina Zulcic, Almir Salkic, Sekib Umihanic, Lejla Softic, Sefika Umihanic, Almedina Ramas, Majda Mujic, Hasan Altumbabić, Fuad Brkić
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Medical Archives
ISSN: 1986-5961
Popis: Aim To analyze the rate of mortality in children with foreign body aspiration (FBA). Methods We outlined a retrospective review of hospital data of patients between 1971 and 2013. FBA occurring in children 0 year to 14 years was considered for inclusion (patient ages ranged from 0.6 to 15 years, with a median age of 2.2 years). The gender structure within the investigated cases was 75.8% males and 24.2% females. During the study period, 772 patients undergoing rigid bronchoscopy with the diagnosis of FBA were included. Deaths on arrival were excluded. Results Total rate of mortality (for whole investigated period) was 0.785. For last fifteen years of the investigated period the rate of mortality was zero. Conclusion For prevention of foreign body aspiration in children and its mortality should be taken two strategies: non-medical (alterations in product design and public education campaigns) and medical (education of medical staff and improvement of equipment).
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