The effects of steroids on phytohaemagglutin-induced lymphoblastogenesis

Autor: A.R. Nash, K.T. Ow, G.A. Sarfaty
Rok vydání: 1980
Zdroj: Journal of steroid biochemistry. 12
ISSN: 0022-4731
Popis: The administration of the anabolic, androgenic steroid 19-nortestosterone to patients with benign and malignant breast disease, was successful in reversing the usual post-surgery depression of immunity, as measured in vitro by mitogen-induced lymphoblastogenesis. However, attempts to further study the role of steroids in the potentiation of cell-mediated immunity by the exposure of peripheral blood lymphocytes to mitogen and steroids have revealed a pattern of wide within and between-subject variations in response. Purification of lymphocyte sub-populations prior to culture with mitogen and steroids has not resulted in greater reproducibility of response. It is concluded that while the in vivo action of steroids on cellular immunity can be assessed by the in vitro response of lymphocytes to mitogen, the same assay is, as yet. inadequate for the study of the in vitro action of steroids on cell-mediated immunity.
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