The Historical Development of Uzbek Literature in Afghanistan

Autor: Murat AKYÜZ
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Dr.Murat AKYUZ
ISSN: 2667-8586
Popis: Throughout history, Afghanistan has been a home to many nations. This land, which hosted Turks and Turkish Culture in the very early ages, is still home to many Turkish tribes. Today, this region, which is the cradle of the Chagatai literature, is considered a host to the vibrant literature of the Uzbeks of Afghanistan. The Afghan-Uzbek literature is a continuation of the Chagatai literature. Russian language has not been influential on the language and literature of the Uzbeks of Afghanistan who, for a long time, had not been under the Russian and Soviet rule; However, Persian language (Dari-Afghanistan Persian) has had a tremendous influence. Due to war and civil turmoil, sufficient work has not been done on the Afghan-Uzbek literature for many years. In our study, we seek to provide information on the Afghan-Uzbek literature from the period of late Chagatai literature to the present day.
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