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ECCSEL, short for European Carbon dioxide Capture and Storage Laboratory Infrastructure, was proposed by NTNU and SINTEF on behalf of the Norwegian Government, and put on the official European Strategy Forum on Research Infrastructures (ESFRI) Roadmap in December 2008. The mission of ECCSEL is to form a pan-European integrated Research Infrastructure of Centres to build and operate new CCS R&D infrastructures. The ECCSEL will provide a unique integrated infrastructure for the experimental research needed to bring forward improved CCS technology that will be necessary for the implementation CCS on a very large scale globally. The mission of ECCSEL is to form a pan-European integrated Research Infrastructure in order to: • Provide a scientific foundation to respond quickly and systematically to the urgent R&D needs in CCS at a pan-European level • Maintain Europe at the forefront of the international CCS scientific community • Increase the attractiveness of the European Research Area, reinforcing the research-based clusters and improving their socio-economic impacts • Optimise the value and utilisation of public funding to CCS R&D. ECCSEL will in addition to the development of a laboratory infrastructure also contribute to a unique CCS laboratory access for researchers and students across Europe, which in turn will result in extended research collaboration and activities like joint publications, spin-off products, spin-off companies and new related R&D projects. The shared use of the research infrastructure imply a better utilisation of laboratories and, consequently, many R&D projects do not necessarily need to spend much of their budget for providing the experimental facilities, but can rather increase man-hour efforts. |