Efforts to Increase the Digitalization of Navigation Services in the Sunda Strait Traffic Separation Scheme

Autor: Achmad M. Mirza, Moch Yurianto, Bayu Asih Yulianto, Sri Cempaka Prima
Jazyk: angličtina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7748654
Popis: The shipping density that occurred in Sunda Strait with the existence of passing and crossing activities has prompted the Ministry of Transportation to propose International Maritime Organization (IMO) to validate the Traffic Separation Scheme (TSS). Although, VTS system has been used in the Sunda Strait TSS, this VTS still has problems in digitizing navigation services. VTS supervises the Sunda Strait TSS then records ship traffic data and analyzes the number of collisions to be reported as evaluation. However, reporting and exchanging ship data resulting from the supervision so far it is still done manually. Digital technologies and solutions are used to increase competitiveness and operational efficiency. This study aims to analyze the problems and identify the efforts made by the government in increasing the digitization of services in order to be able to keep up with technological developments in the increasingly advanced maritime world. This study uses a qualitative method. The results of the research carried out that the efforts made by the government in increasing the digitization of navigation services in the Sunda Strait TSS were the development of the Marine Command Center (MCC), in collaboration with Institutions to integration of navigation data, and development of ENavigation and E-pilotage.
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Databáze: OpenAIRE