Fabricated or induced illness in twins associated with insertion of trocar needles into their bodies

Autor: Fatma Fitouri, Mourad Hamzaoui, Yasmine Houas
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Paediatrics and International Child Health. 39:227-229
ISSN: 2046-9055
DOI: 10.1080/20469047.2018.1466482
Popis: Fabricated and/or induced illness (previously known as Munchausen syndrome by proxy) is a form of child abuse in which the perpetrator induces, exaggerates or fabricates illness in his/her child. Two-month-old twins were referred to the paediatric surgery centre with trocar needles lodged in different organs. A radiograph undertaken in one of them because of acute respiratory distress demonstrated needles in the heart and diaphragm which were removed surgically. The second twin, referred one week after his brother, had a needle deep in his liver and it was decided not to operate owing to the possibility of haemorrhage but, sadly, he died unexpectedly and the autopsy concluded that it was owing to sudden infant death syndrome. Because of a number of admissions to different units in the same hospital, there was a delay in the eventual diagnosis. Recurrent admissions to different hospital units should raise the suspicion of fabricated and/or induced illness.
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