Remote Doping of Scalable Nanowire Branches

Autor: Martin Friedl, Wonjong Kim, Kris Cerveny, Lucas Güniat, Mohammad Samani, Nicholas Morgan, Lincoln J. Lauhon, Didem Dede, Dominik M. Zumbühl, Anna Fontcuberta i Morral, J. Segura-Ruiz, Megan O. Hill, Chunyi Huang
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Nano Letters
'Nano Letters ', vol: 20, pages: 3577-3584 (2020)
ISSN: 1530-6992
Popis: Selective-area epitaxy provides a path toward high crystal quality, scalable, complex nanowire networks. These high-quality networks could be used in topological quantum computing as well as in ultrafast photodetection schemes. Control of the carrier density and mean free path in these devices is key for all of these applications. Factors that affect the mean free path include scattering by surfaces, donors, defects, and impurities. Here, we demonstrate how to reduce donor scattering in InGaAs nanowire networks by adopting a remote-doping strategy. Low-temperature magnetotransport measurements indicate weak anti-localization—a signature of strong spin–orbit interaction—across a nanowire Y-junction. This work serves as a blueprint for achieving remotely doped, ultraclean, and scalable nanowire networks for quantum technologies.
Databáze: OpenAIRE